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Everyday Missionaries

The church has left the building.

The church has left the building. 

We believe every follower of Christ has a beautiful mission to integrate his/her faith where we live, work, study, and play. Don’t just come to church, BE THE CHURCH.



  • We are all called to ONE BIG THING: point people to life in Christ.

  • We are each called to live out God’s one BIG THING in a specific way wherever you live, work, and play.

  • Here are a few “IF…THEN” realities:

    • If you are a Christ-follower, you are part of the royal priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:5-9). You represent Christ as a priest (or a go-between) wherever you live, work, and play.

    • If you are a Christ-follower, you are called to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:20). You are to share the grace and truth of Christ wherever you live, work, and play.

    • If you are a Christ-follower, you don’t simply go to church, you are the church wherever you live, work, and play. (Ephesians 1:22-23)



    • We will never fulfill Jesus’ mission to make disciples of all nations if only did that one day a week. Simply put, Sunday mornings can’t be the only answer. Jesus master plan of discipleship encompassed both a “come and see” and a “go and be” concept. 



    • Pray

    • Prepare

    • Invite

    • Invest


You can DO it, we can HELP!


Want to find out more? Please contact us at

LifePoint Church, 10395 Berry Road Waldorf, MD 20603 |  |  Tel: 301-705-9996

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