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Serve Sunday
October 16, 2022

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20

check out our amazing ministries below & sign up to serve today!


The mission of the Connections team is simple: we show the love of Christ to all who enter our building.  The greeting we show at the doors and the hospitality of a warm cup of coffee serve as a “warm-up” for our guests to encounter the saving love of God in our worship gathering. The work of the Connections team is simple service, yet with profound, often eternal impact.


KidsPoint has been waiting for YOU! George Barna said, 'In the race to a child's heart, the first one there wins.'  We are looking forward to running this race with you.


safety team

Like looking out for other people, helping them park or showing them where to go?  Interested in finding out how the Safety Team provides a safe and secure environment for people to draw closer to God? Then sign up for SERVE Sunday by registering below.

worship arts

While worship is a lifestyle, the Worship Arts Team at LifePoint works to help point people to Jesus by leading and connecting in corporate worship experiences. Our band and vocalists help create space for intentional praise and reverence of Jesus Christ.  


worship arts

While worship is a lifestyle, the Worship Arts Team at LifePoint works to help point people to Jesus by leading and connecting in corporate worship experiences. Our band and vocalists help create space for intentional praise and reverence of Jesus Christ.  


tech team

Often behind the scenes, the Tech Team’s impact is seen clearly throughout all aspects of our ministry. From working on lights, media graphic presentations, sound production and camera operation, there are many positions available to help those on campus and remote interact and  participate with our church. 

Underground youth church

At UYC, we are looking for adults of all ages who are committed to following Jesus and passionate about helping others do the same. Maybe you think that you are not "cool" or relevant enough for youth ministry... well guess what? Most of us feel that way at first! Don't let fear stop you. We would love to have you helping the next generation follow Jesus!

nts cheer.jpg

LifePoint Church, 10395 Berry Road Waldorf, MD 20603 |  |  Tel: 301-705-9996

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